Protecting Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses

In order to allow your contact lenses to have the best possible performance, it is important to follow the instructions below:
– Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the lenses.
– Establish a sequence: first clean the right eye lens, then, the left eye.
– Remove the contact lenses from the case, hold it between the index finger, the middle finger and the thumb, and apply some drops of Limpi-Sol cleaning solution on the surface of the lens. Rub it with circular movements (important:Limpi-Sol solution must not be used in hybrid or soft contact lenses).
– The minimum time recommended for the rubbing is 30 seconds.
– Rinse the lens with a multipurpose solution until the cleaning solution is totally removed.
– Put the humid lens in the eye.
– Wet your fingertips every time you touch the lenses. This makes the handling easier.
General Recommendations
– Use only cleaning solutions indicated for Permeable Gas Rigid Contact Lenses.
– Use only new cleaning solutions, do not reuse them.
– Change daily the solution placed in the case for protection of the contact lenses.
– Never use saliva, tap water, homemade saline solutions or any other substance different from the one especially indicated for your type of contact lenses.
– Never rub the eyes while using contact lenses.
– Do not use chemical products, such as alcohol, ether, or detergent in your contact lenses, at the risk of causing irreversible damages to your lenses and your eyes.
– The contact lenses case must be replaced regularly.
– Wash the contact lenses case with running water daily, and let it dry naturally.
– Permeable Gas Rigid Contact Lenses must be maintained in the preserving solution whenever they are not in use.
– If the lenses fall on the floor, they must be suspended with wet finger and never dragged.
– Inadequate contact lenses cases may cause irreversible damages to them.
– Do not try to fold your contact lenses, at risk of breaking them.
– Your contact lenses usage time must be determined by your specialist.
– Rinse the contact lenses every time you are about to use them.
– Do not use contact lenses to swim without guidance of your specialist.
– When wearing your contact lenses, close your eyes to use aerosol products, such as hair sprays, for example.
– Never use thermal disinfection methods on your Permeable Gas Rigid contact lenses. Your specialist must indicate the adequate product.
– The contact lenses must be cleaned and disinfected every time they are removed from the eyes.- The cleaning is necessary to remove impurities on the lens’ surface. The disinfection is necessary to kill microorganisms. One procedure does not replace the other.
– During the use of contact lenses, in case of discomfort, remove them and visit your specialist immediately.